Another misunderstanding is to consider Mongolian long-tune as monolithic, but not pay attention to its internal diversity in the branch system. 另一个误区是将蒙古族各地长调看作是铁板一块,而不注意其内部各地分支系统的多样性。
DSSS BPSK system which has the receiving structure with the compensation algorithm was formed on the diversity branch, and the characteristics of the system were evaluated at the view point of the average bit error rate due to the SNR. 对设置在分集支线上的具有补偿算法接收结构的DSSSBPSK系统,以SNR的平均比特误码率来评价其性能。
Secondly, the author improves the distributed antenna array and gives the concept of the distributed switched antenna array for the first time. The antenna array will make each diversity branch receive almost equivalent signals and obtain satisfied diversity gain. 接着对分布式阵列天线进行了改进和优化,首次提出分布式开关阵列天线的概念,它可以使各分集支路接收到的信号强弱相当,最终获得良好的分集增益。
This thesis is oriented to the district and county branches of China Telecom, mainly focusing on the diversity marketing strategy of Luhe Branch of China Telecom. 本论文以区县级电信公司为研究对象,主要围绕六合电信分公司的差异化营销问题进行探讨。
For the vast cultural diversity, cultural branch points over a broad area, the state-owned commercial banks, has important strategic significance. 对于幅员辽阔,人文文化多样,分支机构点多面广的国有商业银行来说,有着重要的发展战略意义。
The branch is too small will cause the lack of diversity of function branch City, too much can cause functional city waste. 支路过少则会造成城市用地功能缺乏多样性,支路过多也会造成城市用地功能的浪费。
However, most personal financial product recently issued by commercial banks has homogeneity nature, can easily imitate and replication, thus, provide difference and diversity personal financial product is the main competitive advantage for Gansu Branch of CCB. 但从商业银行近来发行的个人理财产品来看,大多产品具有显著的同质性,极易被模仿复制,因此,提供差异化、多样化的产品已成为建行甘肃分行竞争优势的主要因素。